ARTS 323
Colour Function Fall 2019
Division I
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This tutorial places colour as a central consideration in our object making. Experiments and discussions will include development of dyes and inks, foraging for colours, understanding palettes and their relationship to ‘the tasteful’ and ‘the garish’, ‘beautiful’ and ‘the unpleasant’, colour blocking, monochromes, culture and colour, and the relationship between a variety of pigments, their medium of suspension, and the material they stain or sit directly on top of, unstable. In this way, we will work with a large selection of media and the assignments will be both foundational and highly experimental; you are creating a hundred new colours within a strict grid–you are mixing two new colours through light and projection alone, with no guides. The course is open to anyone who has taken advanced classes in printmaking + drawing, sculpture, and photography.
The Class: Format: tutorial; the class will meet in tutorial pairs once a week and collectively whenever there is a skill workshop
Limit: 10
Expected: 6
Class#: 1286
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: weekly assignments and final project; participation, generosity towards studio and studio members; attendance
Prerequisites: any 200-level art studio class or submit a portfolio for consideration
Enrollment Preferences: Art Studio majors
Distributions: Division I

Class Grid

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Start Time
End Time