Class of 1959 Teach NYC Urban Education Program Winter 2019
No divisional credit
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

Students in this course learn about the front-line challenges of urban public education by working in one of New York City’s public schools. Participants will be expected to pursue a full day’s program of observing, teaching, tutoring and mentoring in their choice of more than 20 different school situations from elementary through high school. Each of the participating schools will have a resident supervisor who will meet with the January interns to arrange individual schedules and provide mentoring during the month. There will be weekly seminar meetings of all the interns who are expected to participate in group discussions, keep a journal and write a 5 page paper reflecting upon their experience. The course will conduct orientation meetings with students prior to January, matching each student’s interest with appropriate teaching subject areas and a host school. Dormitory-style housing will be provided along with some assistance with transportation and food costs-estimated at $400 for the term. Further assistance is available for financial aid students. Adjunct Instructor Bio: Tracy Finnegan is a master’s level teacher with training and teaching experience in a variety of approaches and settings.
The Class: Format: wsp internship
Limit: 12
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on a journal and a 5-page paper
Prerequisites: prerequisites: Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing; not open to first-year students
Enrollment Preferences: statement of interest
Materials/Lab Fee: $400
Distributions: No divisional credit
Attributes: EXPE Experiential Education Courses

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