CHEM 255
Organic Chemistry: Intermediate Level--Special Laboratory Section Fall 2014
Division III
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course is a continuation of CHEM 156 and contains the same material as CHEM 251 except for the laboratory program described below: The aim of this advanced laboratory section is to enrich and enhance the laboratory experiences of motivated students of recognized ability by providing a laboratory program that more closely resembles the unpredictable nature and immediacy of true chemical research. Students synthesize, isolate, and characterize (using a range of modern physical and spectroscopic techniques) a family of unknown materials in a series of experiments constituting an integrated, semester-long investigation. A flexible format is employed in which the students are responsible for helping to plan the course of their laboratory work based upon discussions with the instructor about the previous week’s experimental results. Students are drawn from CHEM 156 with placement based upon student selection and nomination by the CHEM 156 instructor. Participants attend their regular CHEM 251 lecture but attend the special laboratory section instead of a CHEM 251 laboratory section.
The Class: Format: lecture, three hours per week; laboratory, four hours per week; weekly one-hour discussion
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1859
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: evaluation is based on the requirements for the CHEM 251 lecture and performance in this special laboratory section including written laboratory reports and participation in discussions
Prerequisites: permission of instructor is required
Enrollment Preferences: sophomores
Unit Notes: course was developed under a grant from the Ford Foundation
Distributions: Division III
Attributes: ENVS Group EC-B Electives
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