LATS 105
Latina/o Identities: Constructions, Contestations, and Expressions Fall 2014
Division II
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Class Details

What, or who, is a Hispanic or Latina/o? At present, individuals living in the United States who are classified as such number approximately 40 million, constituting the country’s largest “minority” group. In this course, we will study the interdisciplinary field that has emerged in response to this growing population, as we focus on the complex nature of “identity.” Viewing identities as historically and socially constructed, we begin with a brief assessment of how racial, ethnic, class, and gendered identities take shape in the Hispanic Caribbean and Latin America. We then examine the impact of (im)migration and the rearticulation of identities in the United States, as we compare each group’s unique history, settlement patterns, and transnational activity. Identity is also a contested terrain. As immigrants and migrants arrive, the United States’ policymakers, the media, and others seek to define the “newcomers” along with long-term Latina/o citizens. At the same time, Latinas/os rearticulate, live, assert, and express their own sense of identity. In this light, we conclude the course with an exploration of these diverse expressions as they relate to questions of class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and national origins.
The Class: Format: discussion
Limit: 25
Expected: 20-25
Class#: 1446
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: evaluation to be based on student participation and several short papers (1-5 pages) throughout the semester
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: Latina/o Studies concentrators
Unit Notes: required course for concentration in Latina/o Studies
Distributions: Division II
Attributes: AMST Comp Studies in Race, Ethnicity, Diaspora

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