DANC 205
Modern Masterworks Fall 2015
Division I
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

In this course students will examine select masterworks and philosophies of key artists in the development of modern dance while simultaneously studying modern dance technique. Students will develop a critical framework for understanding dance by examining works both loved and misunderstood in their respective times. This semester will focus on Martha Graham and a reconstruction of her dance “Celebration.” By what criteria does a culture define a masterwork? What does the work reflect about its time, its creator, and the place of dance in society? We will examine topics suggested by the works, such as how the body is constructed/deconstructed in, and by, the work, religion and spiritual practice in relation to dance-making, the social identity of the creator and the performers, the uses of music/sound in relation to movement expression, and how we “read” dances as individuals. Weekly viewings, critical and historic readings and discussion will be required along with studio practice.
The Class: Format: seminar and studio
Limit: 20
Expected: 15
Class#: 1943
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: based upon class participation, weekly written response, and a final research presentation
Prerequisites: none
Distributions: Division I

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