PSYC 337
Temperament and Biobehavioral Development Spring 2013
Division II Writing Skills
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Class Details

This class will explore individual differences in reactivity and self-regulation in infancy and childhood. Developmental, ethological, and neuroscience models will serve as the foundation for the exploration of the construct of temperament. Topics will include biobehavioral models of reactivity to stress and novelty, including research examining individual differences in neuroendocrine, electrophysiological, and emotional responding. Individual differences in self-regulation will be explored, and will focus heavily on the literature examining the development of attention and other executive control processes in infancy and early childhood. Longitudinal research that examines continuity and change in temperament from infancy through adulthood will be examined. The contributions of genetics and the contextual influences on temperament trajectories will be explored, including research demonstrating the influence of caregivers and gene-by-environment interactions.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 19
Expected: 16
Class#: 3271
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: weekly thought papers and one final 7- to 10-page paper
Extra Info: not available for the Gaudino option and cannot be taken Pass/Fail
Prerequisites: Psychology 201 and 232 or Psychology 212 or permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences: Psychology majors
Distributions: Division II Writing Skills
Attributes: PHLH Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health
PSYC Area 3 - Developmental Psychology

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