ECON 476
Behavioral Economic Theory and Methods Spring 2018
Division II
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

Behavioral economics emphasizes that economic models should account for the psychological plausibility of its assumptions and consequences. This course will review the ways in which prominent behavioral economics models of decision-making differ from classical models found in standard microeconomics textbooks, including how these differences add to our understanding of the psychological processes that underlie economics. The material will also introduce the many methods that behavioral economists use in order to empirically verify these models, including laboratory experiments, field experiments, and observational data. Class discussions will cover applications of these behavioral models to many disparate contexts such as consumer marketing, public sector policy, asset markets, and managerial decision-making. Students will be expected to analyze academic papers that are appropriate for advanced undergraduate economics students.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 17
Expected: 17
Class#: 3146
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: one 15-25 page paper, 2-3 short writing assignments, class discussions and/or presentations
Extra Info: may not be taken on a pass/fail basis; not available for the fifth course option
Prerequisites: ECON 251 and (ECON 255 or STAT 346)
Enrollment Preferences: Economics majors
Distributions: Division II

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