GERM 316
"Wer ist wir?": Recent Debates over Multiculture in Germany Fall 2012
Division I Writing Skills Exploring Diversity Initiative
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

German chancellor Angela Merkel controversially claimed in 2010: “Multikulti ist gescheitert.” (Multiculturalism has failed in Germany). We will investigate different perspectives on Germany’s integration of minorities. In the 1960s, government labor contracts brought large numbers of foreign workers into the country and facilitated the “economic miracle.” How did the newcomers adapt to life in Germany and what did they hold on to from their home cultures? How did subsequent generations experience life in Germany? What were the major political shifts that took place regarding citizenship and participation in the public sphere? How do popular media portray minorities? How do members of minority groups portray themselves? We will read texts by: Zafer Senocak, Hatice Akyün, Yoko Tawada, Marica Bodrozic, Navid Kermani, Wladimir Kaminer, view feature films and documentaries, and discuss a wide range of social commentary and analyses across the political spectrum from right wing populists to left liberals: Thilo Sarrazin, Kirsten Heisig, Astrid Geisler and Christoph Schultheis, Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Alexander Häusler, Freya Klier, Mark Terkessidids, Rita Süssmuth and others.
The Class: Format: tutorial
Limit: 10
Expected: 8
Class#: 1458
Grading: OPG
Requirements/Evaluation: bi-weekly 4- to 5-page papers
Prerequisites: GERM 202 or equivalent
Enrollment Preferences: German majors
Distributions: Division I Writing Skills Exploring Diversity Initiative

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