LEAD 120
America and the World Fall 2012
Division II
Cross-listed INST 101 / PSCI 120
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

The basic question animating this course is quite simple. What’s the deal with American foreign policy? This question is posed not from any normative viewpoint, but rather from a historical one: viewed from the past, contemporary American foreign policy seems bizarre.
A country founded on (with a couple of exceptions) three centuries of political isolation outside of the Western hemisphere now bestrides the globe like a colossus. During the age of empire at the turn of the century, when Europeans controlled vast swathes of Africa and Asia, America conquered the Philippine Islands. By accident, more or less. During the first part of the great global struggle known as the Cold War, American statesmen looked longingly at the exits from Europe. Historically, Americans don’t do foreign policy. But the world has changed, and perhaps America has as well. President Roosevelt’s prophecy during the Second World War has come true: “there is literally no question, political or military, in which the United States is not interested.”
The object of this course is to introduce you to international relations and American foreign policy through a study of the problems and dynamics of America’s new situation. Several general themes emerge over the semester. What are the major forces driving American foreign policy; that is, what causes change and continuity in the American approach? How have American statesmen thought about these issues? What are the dynamics of particular foreign policy problems? And, most importantly, what policies should the United States pursue? To get a handle on these issues we will study American foreign policy traditions, American strategy during and after the Cold War, terrorism, the contemporary Middle East, and other topics of current interest.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: none
Expected: 30
Class#: 1852
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: papers, participation, and exam
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: first-years and sophomores
Distributions: Division II
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
INST 101 Division II PSCI 120 Division II LEAD 120 Division II

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