CHEM 256
Foundations of Modern Chemical Science Spring 2014
Division III
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course treats an array of topics in modern chemistry, emphasizing broad concepts that connect and weave through the various traditional subdisciplines of the field. We begin at the microscopic level (atomic, molecular) with an introduction to coordination complexes (with applications in bioinorganic and geochemistry for instance.) From here we move on to a detailed description of structure and bonding, comparing the strengths, weaknesses and appropriate application of various bonding theories to different types of chemical complexes (small organic molecules, biomolecules, coordination complexes, and organic electronic materials for instance). We then transition to a broader, more macroscopic perspective, covering chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. In this section we emphasize how these broader views allow us to study different aspects of chemical reactivity of all types. Laboratory work includes experiments involving synthesis, characterization, and reactivity studies of coordination and organic complexes, spectroscopic analyses, thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochemical, and nuclear chemistry.
The Class: Format: lecture, three hours per week; laboratory, four hours per week
Limit: none
Expected: 60
Class#: 3051
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: evaluation is based on homework assignments, laboratory work, hour tests, and a final exam
Prerequisites: CHEM 251/255, or permission of instructor
Unit Notes: for the BIMO concentration, CHEM 256 not required if CHEM 155 was taken
Distributions: Division III
Attributes: BIMO Required Courses
ENVS Group EC-B Electives
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