Light and Holography
Last Offered Winter 2014
Division III
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

This course will examine the art and science of holography. It will introduce modern optics at a level appropriate for a non-science major, giving the necessary theoretical background in lectures and discussion. Demonstrations will be presented and students will make several kinds of holograms in the lab. Thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation, we have 7 well-equipped holography darkrooms available for student use.
The Class: Format: wsp project
Limit: 30
Expected: 30
Class#: 2260
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: students will be evaluated on the basis of regular attendance, completion of 4 laboratory exercises, and a holography laboratory project or a 10-page paper. Attendance at all classes and labs is required for a passing grade
Extra Info: meeting time At the beginning of WSP, the class will meet for lecture and discussion three mornings a week and for lab 2 afternoons a week. Later classes will be mainly laboratory
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: preference will be given to students with no previous college course in physics more advanced than Physics 109
Materials/Lab Fee: cost to student about $50 for holographic film, chemicals, and photocopies
Distributions: Division III

Class Grid

Updated 3:36 am

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