GEOS 302
Sedimentology Spring 2017
Division III Writing Skills
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

Sediments and sedimentary rocks preserve information about the rocks that were eroded to form them, the fluids and forces that transported them, the mechanisms by which they were deposited, and the processes by which they were lithified. This course introduces the principles of sedimentology, including sediment composition, fluid mechanics, bedform analysis, and depositional environments.
The Class: Format: lecture/discussion, three hours per week; laboratory, three hours per week; two half-day and one all-day field trip
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 3597
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: eight written critiques (each 350-400 words) of assigned papers from the sedimentological literature--designed to teach clear written expression & careful analytical reading; evaluation based on lab work, writing assignments, hour exam & final exam
Extra Info: papers will be thoroughly edited for style, grammar and syntax; each student will compile his/her papers as a growing body of work, and each new paper will be read and edited in the context of the previous submissions
Extra Info 2: may not be taken on a pass/fail basis; not available for the fifth course option
Prerequisites: GEOS 202 (may be taken concurrently with permission of instructor)
Distributions: Division III Writing Skills
Attributes: MAST Interdepartmental Electives

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