ENGL 109
Narrating Change Fall 2022 (also offered Spring 2023)
Division I Writing Skills
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

How do we narrate change? Change is radical (from radix, “root,” thus pertaining to what is essential) when it alters how we experience, think, and act. If we change radically, and the structure of our experience is altered, how are we then to connect what comes before to what comes after? On the other hand, if change does not cause such a transformation in the self, then how is it experienced? In this class we will read memoirs (Mirza Ghalib), novels (Virginia Woolf; Chinua Achebe), lyric poetry (Charles Baudelaire; Faiz Ahmad Faiz; Teji Grover), historical narrative (W.E.B. Dubois), psychoanalytic theory (Sigmund Freud; Jean Laplanche),and philosophy of science (Thomas Kuhn; Reinhart Koselleck), to examine the ways human beings fashion to work through, think about, and represent change.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 19
Expected: 19
Class#: 1960
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Five response essays (1 page), three critical essays (5 pages), one revision plus expansion (8 pages)
Prerequisites: no prerequisites
Enrollment Preferences: first-year students who do not have a 5 on the AP and/or have not previously taken a 100-level English class
Distributions: Division I Writing Skills
WS Notes: Students will write more than 20 pages. They will receive extensive feedback on their writing from me and will revise and expand one essay. Texts read in class will also be examined as models for how to organize thought through writing.

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