Biology 2024-25

The Biology curriculum has been designed to provide students with a broad base for understanding principles governing life processes at all levels, from the molecular to the ecological, and for addressing critical challenges of the 21st century. The curriculum is integrative, and enables students to explore and gain expertise in fields including biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, physiology, development, neuroscience, ecology, environmental biology, and behavior. Courses emphasize fundamentals including the coupling of structure to function, the transfer of energy in living systems, information flow and storage, communication, and the molding of diversity by the evolutionary process. In upper-level courses and in independent and honors research, students have the opportunity to investigate areas at the frontiers of modern biology.

Although the Biology major is specifically designed to provide a balanced curriculum in the broader context of the liberal arts, it is also excellent preparation for graduate studies in the life sciences, health professions and environmental science.  More information can be found on the Biology site.

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