Intro to Animal Tracking
Winter 2024
This is not the current course catalog
Class Details
This course is an introduction to the ancient art and science of animal tracking, and its use for ecological inventory. Participants will deepen their skills as naturalists, their awareness of the natural world, and discover that even the greens at Williams College are abundant with wildlife. Students will have field time in class at Hopkins Forest as well as thorough independent study at a convenient outdoor location of each student’s choosing. Basic concepts of animal tracking, its history and use by indigenous people throughout the world will be discussed through video and slide show.
The Class:
Format: lecture
Limit: 15
Expected: NA
Class#: 1073
Grading: pass/fail only
Limit: 15
Expected: NA
Class#: 1073
Grading: pass/fail only
Paper(s) or report(s); Presentation(s); Performance(s); Creative project(s); Other: Field test of tracking skills
Enrollment Preferences:
seniors to freshman
Unit Notes:
Dan Yacobellis has been working with school children, teens and adults since 1997. Dan Created Tamakoce wilderness Programs in 2006 and runs programs on topics including tracking, friction fire making and other primitive skills.
Materials/Lab Fee:
EXPE Experiential Education Courses
SLFX Winter Study Self-Expression
STUX Winter Study Student Exploration
WELL Winter Study Wellness
SLFX Winter Study Self-Expression
STUX Winter Study Student Exploration
WELL Winter Study Wellness
Class Grid
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BIOL 13 - 01 (W) LEC Intro to Animal Tracking
BIOL 13 - 01 (W) LEC Intro to Animal TrackingDan YacobellisTR 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Rosenburg Center Classroom1073