CHEM 101
Concepts of Chemistry Spring 2024 (also offered Fall 2023)
Division III Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course broadens and deepens the foundation in chemistry of students who have had one or more years of chemistry at the high school level. Most students begin study of chemistry at Williams with this course. Familiarity with stoichiometry, basic concepts of equilibria, the model of an atom, Lewis structures and VSEPR, and gas laws is expected. Principal topics for this course include modern atomic theory, molecular structure and bonding, states of matter, chemical equilibrium (acid-base and solubility), and an introduction to atomic and molecular spectroscopies. Laboratory periods will largely focus on experiment design, data analysis, literature, scientific writing, ethics, and other skills critical to students’ development as scientists. The course is of interest to students who anticipate professional study in chemistry, related sciences, or one of the health professions, as well as to those who want to explore the fundamentals of chemistry as part of their general education. This course may be taken pass/fail; however, students who are considering graduate study in science or in the health professions should elect to take this course for a grade.
The Class: Format: lecture/laboratory; lecture, three times per week and laboratory, four hours per week
Limit: 32; 16/lab
Expected: 32/lecture
Class#: 3105
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: problem sets and/or quizzes, laboratory work, and exams
Prerequisites: Students are required to take the online Chemistry Placement Survey prior to registering for the course ( or CHEM 100.
Enrollment Preferences: first-year students
Unit Notes: CHEM 101 or its equivalent is a prerequisite for both CHEM 200 and CHEM 201 and is required for the BIMO concentration.
Distributions: Divison III Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
QFR Notes: This course fulfills the QFR requirement with regular and substantial problem sets in which quantitative/formal reasoning skills are practiced and evaluated.
Attributes: BIMO Required Courses

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