CLGR 404
Tragedy Spring 2021
Division I
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

Tragedy was a hybrid genre invented in sixth-fifth century Athens, where tragic performances in the city’s festival of the Greater Dionysia played a vital role in the democratic polis. This course will focus on reading in Greek a complete tragedy of Sophokles or Euripides; we will also read in translation several other tragedies, a satyr-play, and a comedy of Aristophanes. While focusing on questions of particular importance for the play we are reading in Greek, we will also situate that play in a larger context by exploring, for instance: aspects of the social and political situations in and for which fifth-century tragedies were first produced; the several performance genres out of which tragedy was created; developments in the physical characteristics of the theater and in elements of staging and performance; problems of representation particularly relevant to theatrical production and performance.
The Class: Format: seminar; This is a hybrid course that will likely involve both Zoom and in-person sections; precise format (including potential alternate meeting times) TBD in consultation with enrolled students.
Limit: 15
Expected: 13
Class#: 5151
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: contributions to class, midterm and final exams (take-home), and a final paper
Prerequisites: CLGR 201 or permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences: Classics majors, students continuing the Greek sequence
Distributions: Division I

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