CLGR 201
Intermediate Greek Fall 2024
Division I

Class Details

This course will be based on readings from Plato’s Crito and Hesiod’s Theogony in their original Greek. These texts will give you a taste of both Classical prose and Archaic poetry and enable you to improve your ability to read, comprehend, and translate ancient Greek literature. Plato and Hesiod also offer important and influential perspectives on the origins, connections, effects, and value of justice and religion. Students who successfully complete this course will be well-prepared for advanced study of Greek language and literature.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 12
Expected: 5-10
Class#: 1826
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on classroom participation, quizzes and exams, and take-home assignments (including, e.g., essays and brief prose composition tasks).
Prerequisites: CLGR 101-102 or two years of Greek in secondary school
Enrollment Preferences: Classics majors and intended Classics majors
Distributions: Division I

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Updated 3:16 pm

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