Teaching 3rd Graders about Zebrafish - BioEYES Winter 2024

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Class Details

BioEYES brings tropical fish to 3rd-grade classrooms in Williamstown, Lanesborough, and North Adams Elementary schools, in a science teaching workshop. Elementary school students will breed fish at the school, then study their development and pigmentation for one week. Williams students will adapt BioEYES lesson plans to the science curriculum for the schools we visit, work with classroom teachers to introduce concepts in genetics and development, help the 3rd-grade students in the classroom, and assess elementary student learning. No zebrafish experience or science expertise is necessary. All training is provided. During the first week, Williams students will learn to set up fish matings and review BioEYES lesson plans on embryonic development and the genetics of fish pigmentation. In small groups, students will practice teach hands-on experiments using living animals. In the subsequent three weeks, students will present lessons at the schools and review assessment data. Time commitment: Week 1 – approx. 6 hours total for program training and lesson preparation with additional outside-of-class time needed to create teaching posters, dates, and times TBD Weeks 2 & 3 – approx. 3 hours per day, times TBD, dependent on elementary school schedules during the regular school day between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm. Week 4 – TBD; 3 hours per day if running a school program; minimal hours if not running an elementary school program.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 14
Expected: NA
Class#: 1106
Grading: pass/fail only
Requirements/Evaluation: Presentation(s)
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Preferences: Preference given to first years.
Unit Notes: Jennifer Swoap, a former 3rd-grade teacher, oversees Williams Elementary Outreach, where over 150 Williams students teach, tutor, and mentor in five local elementary schools. Renee Schiek currently serves as the liaison between Lanesborough Elementary School and the Williams Elementary Outreach, where Williams students teach hands-on science lessons at area elementary schools. She has a BS in Mechanical Engineering.
Attributes: EXPE Experiential Education Courses

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