CSCI 432
Operating Systems
Fall 2023
Division III
Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
This is not the current course catalog
Class Details
This course explores the design and implementation of computer operating systems. Topics include historical aspects of operating systems development, systems programming, process scheduling, synchronization of concurrent processes, virtual machines, memory management and virtual memory, I/O and file systems, system security, os/architecture interaction, and distributed operating systems.
The Class:
Format: lecture
Limit: 24
Expected: 24
Class#: 1206
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 24
Expected: 24
Class#: 1206
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
several implementation projects that will include significant programming, as well as written homework, and up to two exams
CSCI 237 and either CSCI 256 or 334
Enrollment Preferences:
current or expected Computer Science majors
Divison III
Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
QFR Notes:
The course will consist of substantial problem sets and/or programming assignments in which quantitative/formal reasoning skills are practiced and evaluated.
Class Grid
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CSCI 432 - 01 (F) LEC Operating Systems
CSCI 432 - 01 (F) LEC Operating SystemsDivision III Q Quantitative/Formal ReasoningTR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Schow Library Classroom 030A1206