DANC 315
Modern/Contemporary Dance Technique, Repertory and Performance Fall 2023
Division I
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

In this studio course, students have the opportunity to embody selected choreographed work(s) through an in- depth rehearsal process, paired with concentrated study of the technique needed to perform them. Students will participate in a culminating performance in a public setting. Learning in a rehearsal setting develops performance skills and awareness of the many components involved in the technical practice and artistry of the performing dancer. The intellectual, physical, and artistic challenges of this endeavor give students the opportunity to relate their work in technique class to a rehearsal setting, and allow them to embody knowledge of the work(s) particular only to dancers who perform them. Students develop artistic self discipline, both in class and in the expected review of material outside of class time. Individual and collaborative learning will contribute to the class community. We will also consider creative choices related to production such as costume, set, and lighting design. Students will maintain individual reflection of their discoveries and experiences via weekly short journal/blog entries (1-2 pages) and/or other methods of choice, such as video clips, visual art impressions, photography, etc. The course may encompass one or both of the following (contact instructor for details each semester): A) Historic Repertory: Students will learn and perform an existing work(s) of historic repertoire, and will experience strategies used in dance reconstruction. Students will also learn the background of the work via archival films, photographs, reviews and other documents. Students will gain a contextual understanding of the work in its time, as well as its significance today. AND/OR B) New Creation: Students will learn and perform an original work created by a faculty or guest artist choreographer. They will experience the creative process both from the inside and outside as dancers in the work, and will also learn directorship skills by serving as rotating rehearsal assistants to the choreographer.
The Class: Format: studio; Each class meeting will include a technique class, followed by a rehearsal.
Limit: 20
Expected: 10
Class#: 1945
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Students will be assessed based on their individual progress, working toward their highest technical and artistic ability via active, engaged participation in all elements of the course. Criteria include quality of participation in technique classes, rehearsals, weekly self assessments, and the final showing(s).
Prerequisites: Intermediate or advanced dance technique; contact the instructor for more information.
Enrollment Preferences: Any student with adequate dance experience is welcome in this class.
Distributions: Divison I

Class Grid

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End Time