GBST 370
Archives of Global Solidarity: Records of Collective Memory of Emancipation Spring 2022
Division II Writing Skills Difference, Power, and Equity
Cross-listed ARAB 370 / COMP 370
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Class Details

Departing from the Arabic notions of takaful and taddamun as interlinked expressions of social and political solidarity, this course seeks to investigate the textual and visual cultural production of solidarity in the Arabic-speaking world. While both terms have informed the shaping of modern Arab politics in the mid 20th century–from the birth of the socialist state to the rise of pan-Arabism–their instrumentalization as key principles of internationalism, Third Worldism, trans-nationalism, and global camaraderie since the 1990s is parallel to the emergence of social movements and popular resistance across the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. What is the meaning of solidarity and how it mobilized collective emancipation is the guiding question of this course. To interrogate this question we will read novels, poems, memoirs, labor unions and feminist manifestos, and essays that feature multidirectional solidarity and alliance building across borders of East-East and South-South. We will also examine visual and digital archives that documents particular historical moments that marked a turning point of global solidarity, such as the Spanish Civil War, the Cuban Revolution, the Algerian War, the Prague Spring, the Palestinian Intifada, the Zapatista Uprising, and most recently, the Arab Uprisings. As we approach these historical moments through a variety of texts and genres, we will identify encounters between activists and writers who established cross-regional movements and the cultural exchange between artistic collaborations.
The Class: Format: tutorial
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 3945
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Students will write five responses to partner's papers (2 pages long); two 5-7 pages paper discussing aspects of the readings; one 10-mintues oral presentation of a reflection on digital solidarity, and a final poster project on archiving global solidarity.
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Preferences: This tutorial will be aimed at first year and second year students interested in majoring in Arabic Studies, and/or concentrating in Comparative Literature and Global Studies.
Distributions: Division II Writing Skills Difference, Power, and Equity
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
GBST 370 Division II ARAB 370 Division I COMP 370 Division I
WS Notes: Students will engage a variety of writing forms, including weekly response papers to their tutorial partner, a research final paper, an outline for an oral presentation, a reflection on digital media and a design of a poster. Throughout this process, they will receive oral and written feedback and work with revisions. The interdisciplinary material that will be covered in the tutorial will also require the production of distinct formats of writings and research skills.
DPE Notes: South-South and East-East encounters during the 1960s in the writings of contemporary Arab writers and activists resisting dictatorship and police states is the core of this tutorial. Students will gain a deeper understanding of DPE through a close examination of the triangulation of colonial boundaries, postcolonial states, and imperialist domination that shape the context of global solidarity in the Arab world and beyond.

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