LATS 278
Latinxs and Their Scriptures: Christian, Muslim, & Jewish Spring 2024
Division II
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Class Details

This course studies the nature of authorized religious writings–“Scriptures”–among Latinx communities in the US in three major religious traditions–Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Beginning with an understanding of the nature and function of “scriptures” in religion as a whole, this course will turn to a brief history and current status of Latinidad in the US, including its religious traditions, and how scriptures have functioned in those traditions, especially among Latina/o/x adherents. Then we will do close readings of major texts in Latinx Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, both the scriptures of those communities and interpretative readings of them by adherents and scholars alike. Our goal will be a more thorough understanding of Latinx religious reading practices, interpretations, and implications on the life and overall well-being of Latinx communities in the US.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 20
Expected: 15
Class#: 3213
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Class participation; Glow Discussion Forum posts based on readings; two short essays and one longer research paper.
Prerequisites: No prerequisites
Enrollment Preferences: Students should have at least one previous LATS course or one previous Religion course.
Distributions: Divison II
Attributes: LATS Core Electives

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