LATS 222
Ficciones: A Course on Fiction
Fall 2024
Division II
D Difference, Power, and Equity
ENGL 252
Class Details
This seminar is focused on the study of published fiction by Latina/o, Latin American, Afro-Diasporic, and other writers of the Global South, paying close attention to how each author employs narrative elements–characterization, plotting, structure, dialogue mechanics, setting, tone, theme–as well as the values and visions expressed.
The Class:
Format: seminar
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1572
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 1572
Grading: yes pass/fail option, no fifth course option
attendance and class participation, occasional creative responses, 4- to 5-page midterm paper (close-reading a text), 10- to 15-page final paper
Enrollment Preferences:
Latina/o Studies concentrators
Divison II
Difference, Power, and Equity
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
LATS 222 Division II ENGL 252 Division I
LATS 222 Division II ENGL 252 Division I
DPE Notes:
Student work will encourage personal and cultural expression, with the opportunity to analyze the shaping of social differences, dynamics of unequal power, and processes of change.
LATS Core Electives
Class Grid
Updated 1:33 pm
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LATS 222 - 01 (F) SEM Ficciones: A Course on Fiction
LATS 222 - 01 (F) SEM Ficciones: A Course on FictionDivision II D Difference, Power, and EquityM 7:00 pm - 9:40 pm
Hollander 3171572ClosedNone