LATS 410
Arquivistas: An Archival Storytelling Course Spring 2025
Division II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and Equity

Class Details

Archival storytelling: the “creative practice of resurfacing hidden, untapped, and untold historical treasures and reimagining that content in various storytelling presentations that speak to modern-day audiences” (Arbo Radiko). In this generative writing and critical practice course, students inhabit the roles of writers and storytellers as preservers of history and culture. With a focus on documenting and/or reimagining Latinidades, the course invites students to address the unique narrative forms archives can take beyond collections of artifacts. How can archives inform the creation and definition of literary work? What is the relationship between archives and power? What information might the archivist/storyteller choose to include or omit, reveal or conceal? How might they practice “radical empathy,” taking into account the various affective roles and responsibilities of the archivist, the records creator, the records subject, the records user, and community members? Creative-writing and research assignments help students build toward final archival storytelling projects. Throughout the process, students learn to: research, compile, and analyze materials from various repositories; identify and write emergent stories from collected material; and present these stories to the public using narrative elements and digital tools.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 19
Expected: 19
Class#: 3998
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Assignments and in-class exercises; attendance; participation; peer review
Prerequisites: n/a
Enrollment Preferences: LATS concentrators; students interested in the topic; students interested in the digital humanities; students who have met their other curricular requirements
Distributions: Divison II Writing Skills Difference, Power, and Equity
WS Notes: In-class writing and/or research exercises; four 2-3-page writing assignments (each receiving critical feedback from professor on grammar, style, and argument); a midterm project proposal (including annotated bibliography) with critical feedback from professor and peers; one final paper (including artist statement, notes on craft, corresponding creative project, and annotated bibliography).
DPE Notes: This course examines various forms of difference, power, and equity related to the creation of and engagement with archives, paying close attention to any omissions and concealments in the documentation of historical memory, particularly around Latinidades and experiences in the Global South.
Attributes: LATS 400-level Seminars

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