LEAD 296
Human Rights and National Security: Seeking Balance in the United States Spring 2023
Division II
Cross-listed HIST 296
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course will ask if ensuring collective security and preserving individual rights are inherently contradictory or if they may, in fact, be mutually reinforcing. Focusing on developments and issues within the United States since its founding, the class will explore how Americans have sought to reconcile concerns about national security and a broad array of rights in the past, and the implications of this history for contemporary debates. The course will challenge students to consider how debates over national security and rights have reflected broader partisan divides and served diverse political objectives. Moreover, students will explore how these debates reflected competing visions of national identity and purpose, and question how and why the costs of security measures disproportionately burdened people based on race and religious identification. The course will initially survey these issues through a historical lens, demonstrating how questions of security and rights have been present since the nation’s founding. It will draw on key moments in U.S. history to explore issues of foreign subversion, dissent, surveillance, habeas corpus, presidential power in times of war, and border security and immigration. Familiarity with historic precedents will ensure that students are prepared to grapple with a closer examination of contemporary studies of refugees and immigration; cybersecurity and surveillance; domestic terrorism and hate crimes; and counter-terrorist detention and interrogation. Students will be assessed on participation, short writing assignments, and a group podcast project.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 25
Expected: 25
Class#: 3396
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Students will be assessed on participation, short writing assignments, and a group podcast project.
Prerequisites: None
Enrollment Preferences: Priority to History and LEAD students
Distributions: Divison II
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
HIST 296 Division II LEAD 296 Division II
Attributes: HIST Group F Electives - U.S. + Canada

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