MUS 103
Music Theory and Musicianship I Fall 2018
Division I
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

MUS 103 and 104 are designed for potential majors and for students with strong instrumental or vocal backgrounds. Students entering MUS 103 should have a solid understanding of musical rudiments (intervals, scales, keys) and reading proficiency in both bass and treble clefs. A short diagnostic exam will be administered at the first class meeting of MUS 103 to determine if a student requires any additional work to complement and fortify course work during the early weeks of the semester, or whether placement in MUS 102 would be more appropriate. Students with a strong background in music theory may take a placement exam during First Days to see whether they can pass out of one or both semesters. MUS 103 and 104 are required for the music major. MUS 103 presents the materials, structures and procedures of tonal music, with an emphasis on the harmonic and contrapuntal practice of the baroque and classical periods (ca. 1650-1825). The course explores triadic harmony, voice leading, and counterpoint with an emphasis on the chorale style of J.S. Bach and his predecessors. Keyboard harmony and figured bass exercises, sight singing, dictation, analysis of repertoire, written exercises and emulation projects will develop both an intellectual and an aural understanding of music of the period. Projects include the harmonization of chorale melodies, the arrangement of classical period minuets and the composition of vocal canons.
The Class: Format: lecture two days a week; a conference meeting one day a week; ear training/keyboard/ skills lab meeting twice a week
Limit: 24
Expected: 24
Class#: 1894
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: evaluation will be based on weekly written work, written and keyboard quizzes, and midyear and final projects
Extra Info: may not be taken on a pass/fail basis; not available for the fifth course option
Enrollment Preferences: first years, potential Music majors, and those with strong musicianship backgroundedwin
Distributions: Division I

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