MUS 231
Music in History I: Bach and Before Spring 2021
Division I
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course explores 1000 years of music-making in Western Europe, beginning with the philosophical and theoretical origins of this music in ancient Greece and extending to the life and music of J.S. Bach. Topics covered include how the sound of music changed over a millennium; the different functions it served and how genres developed to serve these functions; the lives of the men and women who composed, performed, and wrote about music; and how the changing notation and theory of music related to its practice over the centuries. At the same time, the course provides an introduction to the modern study of music history, sampling a broad range of recent scholarship reflecting an array of critical approaches to the study of early music in our own day.
The Class: Format: lecture; lecture-discussion
Limit: 10
Expected: 6
Class#: 5493
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: class participation, two medium length papers, GLOW posts and responses, midterm and final exams.
Prerequisites: ability to read music; open to qualified non-majors with the permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences: Music majors, those planning to major in music, and any student with a strong interest in early music in the West.
Unit Notes: Required course for Music majors. Music majors may not take MUS 232 as pass/fail or 5th course option if they are using it to fulfill the Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque music history requirement for the music major.
Distributions: Division I

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