PSYC 326
Choice and Decision Making Spring 2025
Division III

Class Details

Despite the impression many people have, we really are amazingly good decision makers most of the time. Even so, we do make mistakes; occasionally we even make choices that we know are likely to turn out badly for us. In this course we will survey theoretical and experimental approaches to understanding both our strengths and weaknesses as decision makers. Topics include adaptive rationality, the debate over cognitive biases, fast and frugal heuristics, impulsivity and self-control, addictions and bad habits, paternalism, and moral decision making.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 19
Expected: 19
Class#: 3738
Grading: no pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: problem sets, essay papers, and class participation
Prerequisites: PSYC 221 or 222 or permission of instructor; permission is typically given to students who have successfully completed ECON 110
Enrollment Preferences: senior Psychology majors who need the course to fulfill the major
Distributions: Divison III
Attributes: COGS Interdepartmental Electives
PSYC Area 2 - Cognitive Psychology

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