RUSS 201
Advanced Russian I Fall 2024
Division I

Class Details

This course continues to develop all five skills–conversation, listening comprehension, reading, culture, and writing–for students who have completed at least two years of college-level Russian or the equivalent. Coursework includes the study of higher-level Russian grammar, as well as an examination of a variety of materials-print and other media-from Russian and Russophone cultures, current events, history, and the arts.
The Class: Format: seminar; Class meets with the instructor three times per week, and once a week with the Teaching Associate at a time and place TBA.
Limit: 15
Expected: 5
Class#: 1241
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: regular attendance, active class participation, completion of all daily homework as well regular written and oral assignments both in and out of class
Prerequisites: Russian 104 or the equivalent, consult with the instructor if unsure
Enrollment Preferences: Russian majors and language certificate seekers; students of Russian language, history, and culture
Distributions: Divison I

Class Grid

Updated 4:29 pm

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