RUSS 102
Elementary Russian II Spring 2025
Division I

Class Details

An introduction to contemporary standard Russian, this course provides opportunities to acquire basic proficiency in all five language skills-listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and culture-through immersion, intensive use of authentic materials, and a strong emphasis on the spoken word in all class activities. Greater emphasis is placed on writing in this semester. For students who already know some Russian, consultation with the department is required before registering for any Russian language course in the sequence 101 through 202.
The Class: Format: seminar
Limit: 15
Expected: 10
Class#: 3218
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: active class participation, completion of homework assignments, oral assessments, and summative exercises.
Prerequisites: RUSS 101 or permission of the instructor
Enrollment Preferences: students expressing an interest in the Russian major or Russian-language certificate and students who need to learn Russian for research purposes
Unit Notes: credit granted only if both semesters (RUSS 101 and 102) are taken
Distributions: Divison I

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Updated 3:47 pm

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