WGSS 319
Gender and the Family in Chinese History
Fall 2023
Division II
D Difference, Power, and Equity
HIST 319 / ASIA 319
This is not the current course catalog
Class Details
Although sometimes claimed as part of a set of immutable “Asian values,” the Chinese family has not remained fixed or stable over time. In this course, we will use the framework of “family” to gain insight into gender, generation, and sexuality in different historical periods. Beginning in the late imperial period (16th-18th Centuries), we will examine the religious, marital, sexual, and child-rearing practices associated with traditional ideals of family. We will also examine the wide variety of “heterodox” practices that existed alongside these ideals, debates over and critiques of gender, family, and sexuality in the twentieth century and in China today.
The Class:
Format: seminar
Limit: 25
Expected: 12
Class#: 1904
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Limit: 25
Expected: 12
Class#: 1904
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
active participation in discussions and group work, short skills-based writing assignments (2-4 pgs) and short essays (5-7 pgs) leading toward a final paper (10-15 pages).
none; open to first year-students with instructors permission
Enrollment Preferences:
History and WGSS majors; Asian Studies concentrators.
Divison II
Difference, Power, and Equity
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
HIST 319 Division II ASIA 319 Division II WGSS 319 Division II
HIST 319 Division II ASIA 319 Division II WGSS 319 Division II
DPE Notes:
This course focuses on historical regimes of gender and sexuality in China and their transformations over time. Students will be asked to consider these regimes both on their own terms and in comparative perspective.
GBST East Asian Studies
HIST Group B Electives - Asia
HIST Group P Electives - Premodern
WGSS Racial Sexual + Cultural Diversity Courses
HIST Group B Electives - Asia
HIST Group P Electives - Premodern
WGSS Racial Sexual + Cultural Diversity Courses
Class Grid
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CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#
WGSS 319 - 01 (F) SEM Gender&Family Chinese History
WGSS 319 - 01 (F) SEM Gender&Family Chinese HistoryDivision II D Difference, Power, and EquityTR 8:30 am - 9:45 am
Hopkins Hall 1051904