AFR Core Electives Spring 2024-25
Class Grid
Updated 6:29 am
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CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#Column header 6ENROLLColumn header 7CONSENT
AFR 111 - 01 (S) SEM Afro-Modern Dance
AFR 111 - 01 (S) SEM Afro-Modern DanceDivision IITF 2:10 pm - 3:50 pm
62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio3957ClosedInst -
AFR 128 - T1 (S) TUT James Baldwin's Song
AFR 128 - T1 (S) TUT James Baldwin's SongDivision IITBA3307ClosedNone
AFR 190 - 01 (S) SEM Afro-Latin American Studies
AFR 190 - 01 (S) SEM Afro-Latin American StudiesDivision IICancelled3310CancelledNone
AFR 200 - 01 (S) LEC Intro to Africana Studies
AFR 200 - 01 (S) LEC Intro to Africana StudiesDivision IITR 11:20 am - 12:35 pm
Hopkins Hall 0023311ClosedNone -
AFR 202 - T1 (S) TUT Narrating Color
AFR 202 - T1 (S) TUT Narrating ColorDivision IITBA3312OpenInst
AFR 252 - 01 (S) LEC Black Movement in the West
AFR 252 - 01 (S) LEC Black Movement in the WestDivision IITF 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Griffin 43315ClosedNone -
AFR 258 - 01 (S) SEM Civil Rights Political Thought
AFR 258 - 01 (S) SEM Civil Rights Political ThoughtDivision IIMW 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Griffin 73687OpenNone -
AFR 302 - 01 (S) SEM Complexion Complexities
AFR 302 - 01 (S) SEM Complexion ComplexitiesDivision IIW 7:00 pm - 9:40 pm
Schapiro Hall 2413318ClosedNone -
AFR 323 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic Novels
AFR 323 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic NovelsDivision IITR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Hopkins Hall 1053319OpenNone -
AFR 336 - 01 (S) SEM The Walter Rodney Seminar
AFR 336 - 01 (S) SEM The Walter Rodney SeminarDivision IIMR 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Schapiro Hall 1373324OpenNone -
AFR 351 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre Futures
AFR 351 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre FuturesDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityM 7:00 pm - 9:40 pm
Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3966ClosedNone -
AFR 385 - 01 (S) SEM Assata Shakur / War on Terror
AFR 385 - 01 (S) SEM Assata Shakur / War on TerrorDivision IIMW 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Hollander 3173325OpenNone -
AFR 410 - 01 (S) SEM CAPSTONE: Black Epistemologies
AFR 410 - 01 (S) SEM CAPSTONE: Black EpistemologiesDivision IIW 1:10 pm - 3:50 pm
Schapiro Hall 3093326OpenNone -
AFR 498 - 01 (S) IND Ind Study: Africana Studies
AFR 498 - 01 (S) IND Ind Study: Africana StudiesDivision IITBA3328OpenNone
AMST 255 - 01 (S) LEC Black Movement in the West
AMST 255 - 01 (S) LEC Black Movement in the WestDivision IITF 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Griffin 43316ClosedNone -
AMST 308 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther Intellectuals
AMST 308 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther IntellectualsDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityTBA3981OpenNone
AMST 323 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic Novels
AMST 323 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic NovelsDivision IITR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Hopkins Hall 1053320OpenNone -
AMST 377 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre Futures
AMST 377 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre FuturesDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityM 7:00 pm - 9:40 pm
Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3971ClosedNone -
ARTH 223 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic Novels
ARTH 223 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic NovelsDivision ITR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Hopkins Hall 1053321OpenNone -
COMP 129 - T1 (S) TUT James Baldwin's Song
COMP 129 - T1 (S) TUT James Baldwin's SongDivision ITBA3308ClosedNone
COMP 236 - T1 (S) TUT Narrating Color
COMP 236 - T1 (S) TUT Narrating ColorDivision ITBA3313OpenInst
COMP 322 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic Novels
COMP 322 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic NovelsDivision ITR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Hopkins Hall 1053322OpenNone -
DANC 111 - 01 (S) SEM Afro-Modern Dance
DANC 111 - 01 (S) SEM Afro-Modern DanceDivision ITF 2:10 pm - 3:50 pm
62CtrThea&Dance Shared Studio3958ClosedInst -
ENGL 356 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic Novels
ENGL 356 - 01 (S) SEM Africana Graphic NovelsDivision ITR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Hopkins Hall 1053323OpenNone -
GBST 252 - 01 (S) LEC Black Movement in the West
GBST 252 - 01 (S) LEC Black Movement in the WestDivision IITF 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Griffin 43317ClosedNone -
HIST 486 - T1 (S) TUT Africa & World War II
HIST 486 - T1 (S) TUT Africa & World War IIDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityTBA3479OpenNone
INTR 320 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther Intellectuals
INTR 320 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther IntellectualsDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityTBA3980OpenNone
LEAD 319 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther Intellectuals
LEAD 319 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther IntellectualsDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityTBA3982OpenNone
MUS 179 - T1 (S) TUT James Baldwin's Song
MUS 179 - T1 (S) TUT James Baldwin's SongDivision ITBA3309ClosedNone
PSCI 251 - 01 (S) SEM Civil Rights Political Thought
PSCI 251 - 01 (S) SEM Civil Rights Political ThoughtDivision IIMW 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Griffin 73686OpenNone -
PSCI 376 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther Intellectuals
PSCI 376 - T1 (S) TUT Black Panther IntellectualsDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityTBA3983OpenNone
THEA 351 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre Futures
THEA 351 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre FuturesDivision I W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityM 7:00 pm - 9:40 pm
Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3973ClosedNone -
WGSS 206 - T1 (S) TUT Narrating Color
WGSS 206 - T1 (S) TUT Narrating ColorDivision IITBA3314OpenInst
WGSS 353 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre Futures
WGSS 353 - 01 (S) SEM Black Theatre FuturesDivision II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and EquityM 7:00 pm - 9:40 pm
Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room)3972ClosedNone