AMST 308
The Impact of Black Panther Party Intellectuals on Political Theory Spring 2025
Division II W Writing Skills D Difference, Power, and Equity
Cross-listed INTR 320 / PSCI 376 / LEAD 319

Class Details

This seminar examines the historical and contemporary impact of the Black Panther Party–and key allies such as Angela Davis–on political theory. Texts include: narratives from 1966-2016; memoirs; political critiques; theoretical analyses; interviews; speeches; government documents. The seminar will examine: original source materials; academic/popular interpretations and representations of the BPP; hagiography; iconography; political rebellion, political theory. Readings: Liberation, Imagination and the Black Panther Party; Soledad Brother: The Prison Writings of George Jackson; Mao’s Little Red Book; The Communist Manifesto; Still Black, Still Strong; Imprisoned Intellectuals; Comrade Sisters: Women in the Black Panther Party.
The Class: Format: tutorial
Limit: 18
Expected: 18
Class#: 3981
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Requirements: students attend each seminar class and come prepared to discuss the readings; participate in discussions; present a collective analysis with Q/A for the seminar; submit a mid-term paper and a final paper or a group project.
Prerequisites: None.
Enrollment Preferences: Juniors and Seniors with previous courses taken in Africana Studies, American Studies, Political Science, Philosophy.
Distributions: Divison II Writing Skills Difference, Power, and Equity
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
AMST 308 Division II INTR 320 Division II PSCI 376 Division II LEAD 319 Division II
WS Notes: An analytical outline of collective presentation; a mid-term paper and a final paper.
DPE Notes: The course focuses on African Americans and political resistance to racism and capitalism, as well as support for impoverished, under-resourced communities grappling with police violence.
Attributes: AFR Core Electives
AMST Critical and Cultural Theory Electives
PHIL Contemporary Value Theory Courses
PSCI Political Theory Courses

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