ARAB 415
Examining the Arab Cultural Landscape: What does Arabic Media Actually Say
Last Offered Spring 2018
Division I
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

How does Arabic media represent the Arab landscape? This course will examine Arabic media as a window to the understanding of modern Arab though and culture. It will discuss how issues of political, historical, social, and economic significance in the Arab world are discussed, debated, and analyzed. Some issues include political and social freedoms, inter-Arab relations, national identity, recent revolts, gender identities, the Arabic language in a changing world, and technology in the age of globalization. The course will explore these issues as represented in the language of print, internet, television, movies, and social media, and we will employ linguistic and paralinguistic analysis of these resources.
The Class: Format: seminar; This course will involve two 75-minute sessions in addition to a weekly discussion session with the TA.
Limit: 12
Expected: 8
Class#: 3282
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: active participation in class, daily assignments, blogs, quizzes, presentation, final project
Prerequisites: ARAB 302
Enrollment Preferences: Arabic majors
Distributions: Division I
WS Notes: The course involves extensive writing in which learners reflect on cultural topics applicable to Arabic-speaking countries such as political and social freedoms, inter-Arab relations, national identity, recent revolts, gender identities, the Arabic language in a changing world, and technology in the age of globalization.
DPE Notes: The course explores how Arabic media reflects how Arabic societies deal with issues such as political and social freedoms, inter-Arab relations, national identity, recent revolts, gender identities, the Arabic language in a changing world, and technology in the age of globalization. We will analyze how these societies engage in discussions around these topics, common to the region, but with different local perspectives.
Attributes: FMST Core Courses

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