ARTH 363
Space into Place: Composing Modernity through Maps and Landscape Paintings, 1500-1900
Last Offered n/a
Division I
This course is not offered in the current catalog
Class Details
Colonial expansion and growing trade networks created new needs for picturing the globe in early modern Europe. In other words, globalization required a world broken down into concrete units that could be known and recognized. The artistic and the cartographic were two fundamental modes of representing space. What we might learn by bringing landscape paintings and maps together in dialogue? What are the aesthetic expectations of each genre? How were subject, scale, perspective, and proportion determined and by whom? Moving beyond a binary opposition of science versus art, we will study conventions and changes in mapmaking and landscape painting from the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries to analyze shifting conceptions of national identity, modernity, and the relation of humans to nature. Course lectures and an interdisciplinary array of readings will provide historical and conceptual support for object-based discussions in the Williams College Museum of Art, the Chapin Rare Book Library, and at the Clark Art Institute.
The Class:
Format: lecture; this course will meet twice per week, the first meeting will be in the format of a lecture, the second will be a seminar-style discussion
Limit: 20
Expected: 10
Class#: 0
Limit: 20
Expected: 10
Class#: 0
two short papers (4-5 pages), one longer final paper (10-12 pages), presentations, and participation in discussion
Division I
ARTH pre-1800
Class Grid
Updated 10:59 am
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ARTH 363 - Space into Place 1500-1900
ARTH 363 Space into Place 1500-1900Division INot offered