ARTH 468
Practicum in Curating: Visual Art for a Garden
Last Offered Spring 2019
Division I
Writing Skills
WGSS 468
This course is not offered in the current catalog
Class Details
This course aims to develop the wide range of skills needed to realize an art exhibition in a botanical garden (specifically Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota where the instructor is Curator at Large. The course responds to her charge to exhibit artists with 100% name recognition for the first five years of Selby’s new “Living Museum” initiative which puts works of art in dialogue with botanicals. In the wake of shows devoted to Marc Chagall (2017), Andy Warhol (2018) and Paul Gauguin (forthcoming, 2019), each student will research and choose a non-male and/or non-white artist of some renown and construct an exhibition of works that might be possible to borrow.
Course work includes 1) research on the artist and the concept, the focal works of art, auxiliary objects that do not require climate control (e.g. photographs and other works on paper), social history and other methodological frameworks 2) writing requests e.g., loans, rights; and 3) preparations for several of the following: press release, wall texts, wall labels, audio guide, and programming for the exhibition. The final project includes a 10-page synthetic research paper, written for a general audience, about the artist and their use of flowers as well as the projected installation of the climate-controlled gallery.
Students may have the opportunity to participate in a WSP in situ in which they will experience all sectors of the museum, glass house, and gardens.
The Class:
Format: seminar; this is a practicum so while it meets 3 hours/week as a seminar does, it is hands on in a different way (e.g., co-peer and one-on-one reviewing by me in class)
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 3077
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 3077
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
in-class presentations of research (weekly or bi-weekly), a substantive annotated bibliography, several short writing assignments (e.g. letters, queries, reviews), reading and critiques of others' work, in-class presentation of two drafts of the final paper and installation
at least one 100-level course in ARTH
Enrollment Preferences:
junior and senior art majors, especially those who have had either methods or a senior seminar and/or those with strong research, writing, and design skills
Materials/Lab Fee:
field trip expenses that may not be funded by the department (not to exceed $100)
Division I
Writing Skills
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
WGSS 468 Division II ARTH 468 Division I
WGSS 468 Division II ARTH 468 Division I
ARTH post-1600 Courses
Class Grid
Updated 3:06 pm
Column header 1
CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#
ARTH 468 - SEM Practicum in Curating
ARTH 468 SEM Practicum in CuratingDivision I Writing SkillsNot offered
ARTH 468 - SEM Practicum in Curating
ARTH 468 SEM Practicum in CuratingDivision I Writing SkillsNot offered