ARTS 275
Introduction to Sculpture
Spring 2025
Division I
Class Details
This course is an exploration of the media and processes of sculpture with the ultimate goal being visual fluency and the successful expression of your ideas. The focus will be on the development of technical and analytical skills as they relate to the interplay of form, content, and materials. You will be introduced to a variety of techniques and processes associated with the making of sculpture, including, but not limited to, woodworking, welding and building forms out of cardboard. The field of sculpture has expanded to encompass wide-ranging approaches towards manipulating form and space, thus a wide variety of media exploration is encouraged.
The Class:
Format: studio
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 3939
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 12
Expected: 12
Class#: 3939
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
The quality of the work produced, as well as participation in critiques, and attendance.
Any ARTS 100-level course or permission of instructor.
Enrollment Preferences:
Art Majors have priority.
Materials/Lab Fee:
$400-600 lab fee charged to term bill. Lab and materials fees for all studio art classes are covered by the Book Grant for all Williams financial aid recipients.
Divison I
Class Grid
Updated 3:15 am
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ARTS 275 - 01 (S) STU Introduction to Sculpture
ARTS 275 - 01 (S) STU Introduction to SculptureDivision IT 1:10 pm - 3:50 pm