PSYC 315
Hormones and Behavior Spring 2018
Division III
Cross-listed NSCI 315
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

In all animals, hormones are essential for the coordination of basic functions such as development and reproduction. This course studies the dynamic relationship between hormones and behavior. We will review the mechanisms by which hormones act in the nervous system. We will also investigate the complex interactions between hormones and behavior. Specific topics to be examined include: sexual differentiation; reproductive and parental behaviors; stress; aggression; and learning and memory. Students will critically review data from both human and animal studies. All students will design and conduct an empirical research project as part of a small research team.
The Class: Format: empirical lab course
Limit: 16
Expected: 16
Class#: 3748
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: presentations and participation in discussions, short papers, midterm, written and oral presentation of the research project
Prerequisites: PSYC 212 (same as BIOL 212 or NSCI 201)
Enrollment Preferences: Psychology majors and Neuroscience concentrators
Distributions: Division III
Notes: meets Division 3 requirement if registration is under PSYC
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
PSYC 315 Division III NSCI 315 Division III
Attributes: NSCI Group B Electives
PSYC Area 1 - Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC Empirical Lab Course

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