AFR 203
Modern African History Spring 2013
Division II Exploring Diversity Initiative
Cross-listed HIST 203
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course surveys the history of 19th and 20th century Africa. The first section of the course focuses on the European conquest of Africa and the dynamics of colonial rule–especially its socio-economic and cultural consequences. The second section looks at how the rising tide of African nationalism, in the form of labor strikes and guerrilla wars, ushered out colonialism. The third section examines the postcolonial states, focusing on the politics of development, recent civil wars in countries like Rwanda and Liberia, and the growing AIDS epidemics. The last section surveys the history of Apartheid in South Africa up to 1994.Course materials include fiction, poetry, memoirs, videos, newspaper articles, and outstanding recent scholarship. The course is structured around discussions. This EDI course explores the experiences and expressions of the culturally diverse peoples of African descent in the New World (and the Old), as well as the myriad ways in which they confront, negotiate, and at times challenge dominant U.S. and/or European hierarchies of race, culture, gender and class.
The Class: Format: lecture/discussion
Limit: none
Expected: 15-25
Class#: 3498
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: evaluation will be based on two 7- to 10-page papers, one exam, and an unspecified number of pop quizzes
Prerequisites: none; no prior knowledge of African history required; open to all
Distributions: Division II Exploring Diversity Initiative
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
HIST 203 Division II AFR 203 Division II
Attributes: HIST Group A Electives - Africa

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