PSYC 348
Is it the Thought that Counts? Examining Intentions and Outcomes in Intergroup Interaction Fall 2013
Division II Exploring Diversity Initiative
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

Can something be racist if someone didn’t mean it? How do the intentions we bring to interactions line up with the outcomes of the interactions? When individuals enter intergroup interactions, they are likely to have a variety of goals. Some of these goals are straightforward, such as making a new friend or collaborating on an academic project, while others may be more implicit, such as making a good impression or avoiding saying anything offensive. In this tutorial, we will examine how intentions and outcomes are used in judgments of discrimination, how goals can make intergroup interaction more harmonious or more fraught, and how interaction goals can sometimes backfire and produce unintended consequences. Each tutorial pair will design and execute an empirical project to examine the relationship between intentions and outcomes in intergroup interaction.
The Class: Format: tutorial
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 1602
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: students will meet in pairs with the instructor for one hour each week; each week, students will either compose a position paper based on the week's readings,
Extra Info: or respond to the position paper of their partner; empirical projects will be presented in a symposium format at the final meeting
Extra Info 2: may not be taken on a pass/fail basis; not available for the Gaudino option
Prerequisites: PSYC 201 and PSYC 242 or permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences: Psychology majors
Distributions: Division II Exploring Diversity Initiative
Attributes: PSYC Area 4 - Social Psychology
PSYC Empirical Lab Course

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