Classics Fall 2024-25
Class Grid
Updated 11:00 am
Column header 1
CLASSESColumn header 2DREQColumn header 3INSTRUCTORSColumn header 4TIMESColumn header 5CLASS#Column header 6ENROLLColumn header 7CONSENT
CLAS 101 - 01 (F) LEC Greek Literature
CLAS 101 - 01 (F) LEC Greek LiteratureDivision ITR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Schow Library Classroom 030B1819ClosedInst -
CLAS 111 - 01 (F) SEM Oracle, Prophecy, Possession
CLAS 111 - 01 (F) SEM Oracle, Prophecy, PossessionDivision ITF 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Wachenheim 1141833ClosedInst -
CLAS 203 - 01 (F) LEC History of Greek Philosophy
CLAS 203 - 01 (F) LEC History of Greek PhilosophyDivision IMWF 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Griffin 71589ClosedNone -
CLAS 213 - 01 (F) LEC The Body in Ancient Art
CLAS 213 - 01 (F) LEC The Body in Ancient ArtDivision IMR 1:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Lawrence 0031384ClosedInst -
CLAS 493 - 01 (F) HON Senior Thesis: Classics
CLAS 493 - 01 (F) HON Senior Thesis: ClassicsDivision ITBA1823OpenNone
CLAS 497 - 01 (F) IND Independent Study: Classics
CLAS 497 - 01 (F) IND Independent Study: ClassicsDivision ITBA1824OpenNone