COMP 260
Francophone Graphic Novels
Fall 2024
Division I
D Difference, Power, and Equity
RLFR 260
Class Details
In this class we will read contemporary graphic novels and bandes dessinées from Côte d’Ivoire, Morocco, Guadeloupe, Lebanon, France, and Québec to analyze how they approach subjects such as colonial history, migration and discrimination, gender and sexuality, and representations of disability and the racialized body. We will pay particular attention to the visual form and the critical theory of the graphic novel to further understand why this hybrid genre has become so popular and widespread, and how it is shaping conversations about difference and power in the Francophone world. Conducted in French.
The Class:
Format: seminar
Limit: 20
Expected: 15
Class#: 1746
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 20
Expected: 15
Class#: 1746
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
weekly 1-page response papers, midterm 4-5-page paper, presentation and final 7-8-page research paper
RLFR 105, 106, by placement or by permission of instructor
Enrollment Preferences:
French majors and certificate students, Comparative Literature majors
Divison I
Difference, Power, and Equity
This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
COMP 260 Division I RLFR 260 Division I
COMP 260 Division I RLFR 260 Division I
DPE Notes:
The readings in this course focus on French colonial and Francophone postcolonial history, contemporary migration, and structures of discrimination built on race, religion, gender, and ableism in the French-speaking world. We will explore how graphic novels in their hybrid visual/verbal forms propose different ways of shaping the dynamics and the discourse of difference and power.
Class Grid
Updated 6:45 pm
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COMP 260 - 01 (F) SEM Francophone Graphic Novels
COMP 260 - 01 (F) SEM Francophone Graphic NovelsDivision I D Difference, Power, and EquityTR 9:55 am - 11:10 am
Hollander 2581746OpenNone