COMP 271
From Kleist to Kafka
Last Offered Spring 2016
Division I
Cross-listed GERM 271
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) and Franz Kafka (1883-1924) wrote some of the most puzzling and intriguing work in European literary history. From Kleist’s drama Penthesilea, which culminates in the consumption of the hero by the heroine (literally!), to Kafka’s “A Hunger Artist,” profiling a man who starves for a living, the texts in the course attempt to access the most profound–and at times bizarre–regions of the human mind. Works we will read include Kleist’s dramas Prince Friedrich of Homburg, Amphitryon, and Penthesilea, and his short stories “The Marquise of O…,” “The Earthquake in Chile,” “The Foundling,” “St Cecilia and the Power of Music,” and “The Betrothal in Santo Domingo.” By Kafka we will study “The Judgment,” “The Metamorphosis,” “A Hunger Artist,” “In the Penal Colony,” “The Burrow,” “A Country Doctor,” and others. Literary readings will be supplemented by selected letters and essays by Kleist, and by excerpts from Kafka’s diaries. Readings and discussion in English.
The Class: Format: seminar
Expected: 15
Class#: 3447
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: intensive participation, four 2- to 3-page response papers, one 5- to 7-page paper, final project
Prerequisites: none
Enrollment Preferences: prospective Comparative Literature majors
Distributions: Division I
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
GERM 271 Division I COMP 271 Division I

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