CSCI 134
Introduction to Computer Science Fall 2019 (also offered Spring 2020)
Division III Q Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

This course introduces students to the science of computation by exploring the representation and manipulation of data and algorithms. We organize and transform information in order to solve problems using algorithms written in a modern object-oriented language. Topics include organization of data using objects and classes, and the description of processes using conditional control, iteration, methods and classes. We also begin the study of abstraction, self-reference, reuse, and performance analysis. While the choice of programming language and application area will vary in different offerings, the skills students develop will transfer equally well to more advanced study in many areas. In particular, this course is designed to provide the programming skills needed for further study in computer science and is expected to satisfy introductory programming requirements in other departments.
The Class: Format: lecture/laboratory
Limit: 90(18/lab)
Expected: 90
Class#: 1517
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: weekly assignments, programming projects, and examinations
Prerequisites: none, except for the standard prerequisites for a (QFR) course; previous programming experience is not required
Enrollment Preferences: if the course is over-enrolled, enrollment will be determined by lottery
Unit Notes: students with prior experience with object-oriented programming should discuss appropriate course placement with members of the department
Distributions: Divison III Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
Attributes: BIGP Recommended Courses
COGS Interdepartmental Electives

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