Micro-Simulation Modeling for Ex Ante Policy Analysis Winter 2024
Division II
This is not the current course catalog

Class Details

Micro-simulation modeling provides one of the most powerful tools for ex ante evidence-based analysis of economic and social policy interventions. Rooted in representative household surveys of a country’s population, the models provide a picture of poverty, employment, consumption and income levels throughout the country. A micro-simulation model enables researchers to investigate the impact of existing economic and social policy interventions (such as tax and public benefit interventions) on income levels, poverty, inequality and other outcomes. In addition, researchers are able to simulate the impact and estimate the cost of new policy interventions. During this course, students will learn to apply these methods to analyze public policies and interpret the findings. The course examines measurement issues, analytical tools and their application to household survey data for a range of developing countries. The course also links the outcomes of the analysis with the challenges of policy implementation, exploring how the political environment and/or institutional setting may result in the implementation of second-best options. This is a hands-on modeling course, and students will build a micro-simulation model for a country of their choice and use this model in completing the course requirements. The course will employ Excel, Stata and advanced micro-simulation packages. The final requirement for the course is a policy paper that provides students with an opportunity to write accessible prose that communicates the methodology adopted and the key lessons of the analysis
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 10
Expected: NA
Class#: 1145
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: two 10-page papers and final project and presentation
Prerequisites: Fall semester CDE courses for CDE fellows
Enrollment Preferences: CDE Fellows; undergraduate enrollment at the discretion of the instructor.
Distributions: Divison II
Notes: This course is cross-listed and the prefixes carry the following divisional credit:
ECON 52 Division II ECON 26 Division II
Attributes: EXPE Experiential Education Courses
STUX Winter Study Student Exploration

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