ECON 120
Principles of Macroeconomics Spring 2025 (also offered Fall 2024)
Division II Quantitative/Formal Reasoning

Class Details

This course provides an introduction to the study of the aggregate national economy. It develops the basic theories of macroeconomics and applies them to topics of current interest. Issues to be explored include: the causes of inflation, unemployment, recessions, and depressions; the role of government fiscal and monetary policy in stabilizing the economy; the determinants of long-run economic growth; the long- and short-run effects of taxes, budget deficits, and other government policies on the national economy; the role of financial frictions in amplifying recessions; and the workings of exchange rates and international finance.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 40
Expected: 40
Class#: 3863
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Depending on instructor, may include: problem sets, short essays, quizzes, reading assignments, either one or two midterms, and a final exam.
Prerequisites: ECON 110
Enrollment Preferences: First-year students and sophomores.
Distributions: Division II Quantitative/Formal Reasoning
QFR Notes: Course involves mathematical modeling of real-world phenomena, analyzing quantitative results, and describing those results in words.
Attributes: POEC Required Courses

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