ECON 219
Global Economic History
Spring 2025
Division II
Writing Skills
Class Details
What generated the rise of agricultural civilizations and early empires in the ancient world? Why did Western Europe–and not China, India, or the Middle East–first experience the Industrial Revolution? Why did Latin America stagnate over the 20th century, while Japan and eventually China and India boomed? What explains the historical success of the US economy? Why did the Soviet Union rise and fall? And why was African economic growth slow for so long before taking off in recent decades? These and other questions will guide our exploration of global economic development over the past several millennia. Our focus will be broadly comparative across space and time, with an emphasis on how institutions, resource endowments, culture, technology, and market forces help explain economic differences and change around the world. Throughout the course, we will draw on micro and macroeconomic concepts and simple empirical tools to understand and interpret the historical roots of the modern global economy.
The Class:
Format: tutorial; tutorial; weekly one hour meetings in groups of two
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 3871
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
Limit: 10
Expected: 10
Class#: 3871
Grading: no pass/fail option, no fifth course option
evaluation will be based on five 5- to 6-page papers, critiques of fellow students' papers, a longer revision of a paper, and engagement in discussion
ECON 110 and ECON 120 or equivalent courses subject to instructor approval
Enrollment Preferences:
first-year students and sophomores intending to major in Economics and/or History
Division II
Writing Skills
WS Notes:
This tutorial course requires students to write five 5-7-page papers, to write 1-2 page responses to their tutorial partner's papers, and to revise and extend one of their papers into a larger final paper of approximately 10-12 pages. Along the way, I offer detailed comments on all of their writing, with an eye towards producing a very polished final paper.
GBST Economic Development Studies
Class Grid
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ECON 219 - T1 (S) TUT Global Economic History
ECON 219 - T1 (S) TUT Global Economic HistoryDivision II Writing SkillsTBA3871OpenNone