ECON 540
Research Studies
Spring 2025
(also offered Fall 2024)
Division II
Class Details
In this course, each Fellow carries out an individual research study on a topic in which they have particular interest, usually related to one of the three seminars. The approach and results of the study are reported in a major paper. Research studies are analytical rather than descriptive and in nearly all cases include quantitative analyses. Often the topic is a specific policy problem in a Fellow’s own country.
The Class:
Format: independent study; research
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Divison II
Class Grid
Updated 6:45 am
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ECON 540 - 01 (S) IND Research Studies
ECON 540 - 01 (S) IND Research StudiesDivision IITBA3899OpenNone