ECON 355
Financial Crises, Credit Cycles, and Macroeconomic Policies
Last Offered Fall 2022
Division II
This course is not offered in the current catalog

Class Details

This course examines macroprudential policies which aim to mitigate systemic risk to the financial system. We will discuss several instances of financial crises and the conditions leading up to these episodes. Particular focus will be placed on recent research into current macroprudential policies and their implications for financial stability. Topics to be covered include: the concept of cycles in macroeconomics, business and credit cycle measurement, co-movement between economic aggregates, domestic and international policies targeting financial stability, and the effect of these policies on financial markets and the real economy.
The Class: Format: lecture
Limit: 25
Expected: 25
Class#: 1688
Grading: yes pass/fail option, yes fifth course option
Requirements/Evaluation: Problem sets, presentations, and a final paper
Prerequisites: Economics 252 and 255
Enrollment Preferences: junior and senior Economics majors
Distributions: Divison II

Class Grid

Updated 5:17 pm

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